The 20/20 Experience App

The 20/20 Experience App started out as the last in a series of technology previews based on Neutrino that I developed with Subatomic Systems. Similar to the Skyfall Trailer App, this touch-optimized HTML5 application includes an HTML5 audio player, HTML5 video, an advanced swipe-based content gallery, multi-directional embedded swipe and gallery views, and context-triggered animations.

With the 20/20 Experience App, I continued refining and improving the swipe-based components, optimizing transitions and animations for device, and developing view management strategies to cope with memory contraints in mobile browsers.

After completing the app in Neutrino, I led an effort to rewrite the app in AngularJS, incoporating data-driven content and a new OOCSS framework. The AngularJS app grew into the first demonstration of Subatomic Systems' N2 publishing platform.

